The key factor influencing the performance of any enterprise is its staff.
Work motivation issues become more relevant and important from practical perspective. Work motivation is directly related to the needs of any person, as the prerequisite of his/her involvement into operating activities and the way to the best settlement of social problems.
HR marketing (part II)
To efficiently satisfy the needs of external clients, to be competitive at the market, organisation, first of all, must effectively meet the needs of all internal clients, i.e. the staff.
HR marketing (part I)
Modern business situation, peculiarities of modern economy demand new, and most importantly, effective approaches to human resources management. Together with functional and project approaches, which are used in management to a greater or lesser extent, quite efficient approach to establishing HR management system in the company becomes HR marketing.
Establishment of service quality management system
In the modern world the desire to win is something more than just anticipation for a victory. The point is to stream all assets and solutions for the good of a client.