The key factor influencing the performance of any enterprise is its staff.
Work motivation issues become more relevant and important from practical perspective. Work motivation is directly related to the needs of any person, as the prerequisite of his/her involvement into operating activities and the way to the best settlement of social problems.
HR security. How to reduce direct and consequential damages of an enterprise by 60%?
We all know that one of the key resources of an enterprise is its staff. But how often do we start wondering what damage this key resource can cause to the organisation? And what can be considered as threats to HR security?
Power fight in a hockey match or conflicts at work
Conflicts are not excluded from working relations and cooperation. Unfortunately, life is impossible without them: at work, in private life and in personal relations. Even the best team cannot avoid conflicts. However,
PDP form completion guidelines
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN TEMPLATE (Developing activities chart) HR Hockey / Performance review HR Hockey / Personal Development Planning
Personal Development Planning
Employee Personal Development planning (PDP) plays the role of seasonal planning in HR management.
5 step model of target-specific management for an employee
Efficient participation of the subordinate in the process of goals definition assumes that s/he has an opportunity to influence the process of goals modification.
Preparation of the coach for the match, or manager’s plan B
The coach and coaching staff on a par with team players participate in competitions. It means that complete training on game strategy and tactics is also necessary for them.
Team Cohesion
Within any gaming system there is also space for individual solutions. However, by using several different methods, individual hockey players and various team units play different roles and perform different tasks but they always play according to single system giving the teams dependability and confidence. The most successful team wins because
The coaching staff of hockey coaches have well-coordinated team that governs the actions of their team players during the match. Each of the coaches from staff is responsible for his own sector.