We all know that one of the key resources of an enterprise is its staff. But how often do we start wondering what damage this key resource can cause to the organisation? And what can be considered as threats to HR security?
HR systems efficiency evaluation
Any business project is based on understanding its efficiency from perspective of its being in demand and profitability. However, currently there is no single formula for calculation of efficiency for HR project systems.
Establishment of service quality management system
In the modern world the desire to win is something more than just anticipation for a victory. The point is to stream all assets and solutions for the good of a client.
Performance review
Analysis of hockey player performance and one-to-one meeting with him is conducted based on outcomes of approximately ten matches.
5 step model of target-specific management for an employee
Efficient participation of the subordinate in the process of goals definition assumes that s/he has an opportunity to influence the process of goals modification.
Goal settings
The work of a hockey coach is to coach people, not hockey. Therefore, personal goals of players are of crucial importance. Players cannot achieve something that is not clear for them. Players cannot learn something what they do not want.
Job profiles
Job profile (occupational profile) is a description of job content, professionally meaningful and personal traits, competencies, formal requirements for an employee, professional knowledge and skills, necessary to perform the specific work in this organisation.
Preparation of the coach for the match, or manager’s plan B
The coach and coaching staff on a par with team players participate in competitions. It means that complete training on game strategy and tactics is also necessary for them.